Nutritional advice for dogs

Item 6 of 19
€ 75,00 (including VAT)

Healthy food is the basis for a healthy life. Behaviour, nutrition and health are inextricably linked. Nutritional advice for the dog is based on the best match between the dog and its food.

Every dog ​​is different, lives differently and has a different movement pattern. The best food for a dog is very individual. Race, age, activities, and potential health problems are all determining factors.

Nutritional advice for the dog is tailor-made, Dog Livity is happy to help you to find the best suitable food for your dog . Our advice is independent, we look at the dog and its nutritional needs. This can be kibble, raw meat and bones, cooked meat or steamed canned food. Just what suits the dog.

Some examples where expert nutritional advice can help:

  • Dog is too fat or too thin
  • Often diarrhea and / or bad stool
  • Healthy food for the growing dog
  • Itching, skin complaints, hot spots or bumps
  • The nutritional needs of an older dog
  • Appropriate food for very active dogs
  • Good nutrition for pregnant and nursing bitches


Method and costs

If you opt for nutritional advice from Dog Livity, fill in a short questionnaire. This gives you the best possible picture of your dog and its nutritional needs.

During the nutritional consultation, nutritionist and orthomolecular therapist Denise Vrolijk looks at the entire dog. The coat, the way of moving and the smell of the dog are also included. So we don't just look at the food the dog is getting now.

If necessary, we will refer you to a vet. For example, to find out more about possible medical problems.

A nutritional consultation at our location in The Hague costs € 75 (1 hour), this includes 21% VAT. After the consultation you will receive written advice. After a few weeks, I will contact you by e-mail once to hear how things are going.

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